Wednesday, 20 August 2014


CIVIL ENGINEERING SEMINAR TOPICS: DEMOLITION OF BUILDING: ABSTRACT                   Demolition of a building means tearing down or falling down of a building with the help of equipments or explos...

Friday, 3 January 2014

GD Process Flow

GD Process Flow

Process Stage
Possible Observations
Evaluators are present in the Group Discussion room.

Participants are called in.

Participants come into the room.
·         Order and manner in which the participants enter the room.
·         Interactions among the participants.
Evaluators greet the participants.
·         Do the participants greet back?
Evaluators ask the participants to take their seats.
·         Who chooses which seat?
·         Who chooses promptly and confidently?
Evaluators take in their first impression of the participants.
·         Presentability, confidence, composure, body language and other qualities that are a part of the first impression.
Evaluators announce the topic, structure and provide instructions for the Group Discussion.
·         Who asks clarifications?
·         The quality of the query asked?
Evaluators announce commencement of GD session.

Participants take time to collect their thoughts and prepare for the discussion.
·         Are pen and paper used, points jotted down?
·         Is the time allotted judiciously used?
Evaluator asks the participants to start the discussion or participants initiate the discussion themselves.
·         Who takes initiative and begins the discussion?
·         Quality of opening statements made.
Evaluator observes the discussion

·         Who tries to define the topic?
·         Who tries to check if all participants have an understanding of the topic?
·         Does anyone try and define the objectives for this discussion?
·         Does anyone try and define a framework for points to be considered during the discussion?
Points/ Ideas
·         The number of points
·         The relevance of points
·         The variety of points, out of the box points, uniqueness of points
·         The conciseness of the spoken statement to convey the idea of the point
·         The diction, tone, volume, confidence of speech
·         Is the speech directed to the entire group or to some strategic participants?
·         Who responds to the spoken point, the entire group or only a select few?
·         Does one ask for clarifications on or offer supporting data for points made by others?
·         Is one able to offer clarifications to others on own points?
·         Does anyone try to moderate the discussion?
·         Can anyone evaluate and point out the relevance of a point to the discussion, weed out irrelevant points?
·         Is anyone able to get all the participants to contribute?
·         Who is able to summarize the discussion till at any given point in time, evaluate the direction the discussion is taking?   
Evaluator signals end of discussion, thanks the participants and request them to leave the room.
·         How do the participants react, who is dejected, who is upbeat, who is confident, who maintains their poise etc.?
·         Does anyone ask any queries? If so, the relevance of the queries?
·         Does anyone thank the evaluators?


Train Turntable

LEGO Turntable and Roundhouse